The goal of this project was to select one image from a given selection of images and use it to create a campaign with the given aspect ratios. This project was challenging because I wanted to push my limits in Photoshop and take a simple image and create something fun and exciting.
I chose an image of the chair on a solid color background because I wanted to make it look completely different. After playing with a few effects and layer styles in Photoshop, I found an ice effect that excited me. I realized that the blue ice and the red chair and background together would make a nice icebreaker ad. I created the title text and ice cracks in Illustrator and used them as a mask on the ice so the red background would show through. I added a frozen strawberry to visually show how cool and delicious the flavors were, and found a layout that matched the image. After the first ad was done, I edited the image and adjusted the layout to create a horizontal and vertical ad.
Original Image
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